I hate daylight saving time. I hate losing my hour. I never recover until the clocks go back in October.
Ok, so I got that off my chest. Everyone who knows me knows that I hate the time change, so nothing new. I should get on some committee or lobby to have it abolished. Would you donate to my gofundme campaign to abolish DST?
For our first weekend in March, we have no plans. I survived the crazy week with a business trip and doctors appointments, so I hope to be kicking back and taking it easy. My son is home from college for his spring break so that will be fun this week.
As usual, here is the round of of this week’s posts, and a few sites that I bookmarked:
My trusty steno pad for list making
Chicken Marsala – another quick weeknight meal.
List Apps!
Some bookmarks for this week:
More ToDo list apps – you can read more to see if any of these work for you: 2014 Best List Aps and Five Best ToDo List Managers.
It’s one thing to have an app to track your todos, but what about managing to get them all done? This article talks about that particular challenge.
Specific to a working mom, how do we actually get things done on our ToDo list?