Well, hey, hi – here I am posting after a loooong absence. What a year it’s been! I thought last year was crazy, but 2016 is turning out to have it’s share of life twists.
After the new year, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with the blog. I enjoyed contributing to it, but I also felt like I had played out most of what I had for content, and I didn’t have a lot of new ideas. I also found it difficult to put in the time necessary to have meaningful posts when I was back in the swing of working full time. I had been given a high-visibility program to manage, had to travel, lots of issues and bad feelings at work.
I guess it’s no surprise if you read the title that my position was eliminated. I have been unemployed since early May. And, believe me, when I write that sentence, realizing that it’s the middle of July already, I can hardly believe it myself. The weeks have been flying by. I have been so busy I hardly know how I did everything and managed a full time job. Yes, I added some things to my schedule (like volunteering at school for some year end activities), but for the most part, I’ve been busy with the regular household chores. Oh, and we went on vacation 🙂
The Blog has crossed my mind a few times. Now that I (supposedly) had time, maybe I could start writing again. But, I pushed the thought out of my mind after I attended a outplacement webinar where I learned that I would need to spend 30-40 hours a week on my job search. Jeeze, so much for taking it easy during the summer.
But, I’ve decided to start posting again with lowered expectations (the motto of the working mom). I may only post 1x a week, or maybe even skip weeks at a time, but I think it might be interesting to explore what happens when a busy, working mom with three children finds herself unemployed.
Of course, a quick search reveals that this topic is not unique – no surprise there. But, as my outplacement counselor repeated numerous times – it’s unique to me – it’s my job search, so maybe something I learn will help someone else.
Stay tuned . . .