Well, well, it’s not lost on me that the last post was about spring cleaning, and here we are smack in the middle of summer.
There’s a reason that I haven’t written in so long. Actually, there are lots of reasons. Of course I’ve been busy – never ending cooking and cleaning, school, kids activities, gardening, volunteering, job seeking – you know, the usual! But, I’ve always been busy, so I had to examine what was really getting in the way of my writing. My introspection lead me to the realization that I’m just embarrassed and demoralized about not being a “working mom” anymore. I didn’t mind so much in the beginning when I thought that it would be a temporary situation, but now, after 2+ years of unemployment, I feel like a fraud.
This blog has sort of become synonymous with my job search. I know that I have lots of skills and experiences to share with my readers, but I also feel that I’ve become irrelevant. I have a very different day-to-day experience than all the working parents out there that are have to be proficient at a job as well as raise children and take care of a home. Those experiences of a working parent are what would be fueling the content of my blog. Instead, as you can see with some of the more recent posts that I have shared, I have a different perspective. Meals that take 45+ minutes to make, tasks that I never would have attempted as a working parent, and a non-working mindset.
So, what to do with my blog? Close it down? Keep it going like it has been with fits and starts? Change it into the former working mom to three?
The answer is: I don’t know.
The hosting bill comes due in November, so I’m going to defer the decision until then. In the meantime, I’ll write and post when I’m inspired, and we’ll see where this goes.
Few things are as demoralizing as looking for work, but another is having to reinvent oneself after a life change. Doing both simultaneously is the pits. I’m struggling with the latter, although I have a little part-time job that eats up some of my time. I’m trying to focus on building new skills to prevent myself from becoming old.
I enjoy reading your blog even though it’s intermittent.